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Saturday, June 1, 2024

“Go Pick Your Child” – Apostle Chibuzor Sends Abandoned Boy Dumped At His Home To Police Station

Apostle Chibuzor Chinyere, the General Overseer of the Omega Power Ministry, has refused to accept a kid abandoned at his home, citing a lack of space.

The pastor, also a traditional ruler, announced this in an Instagram post on Thursday, instructing the mother to pick up the child from the Abacha police station.

On his Instagram account, he wrote

“Please, the mother of this boy should go to Abacha police station to go and claim her child. My house is already filled up.

“The mother came this evening and dumped this beautiful child in front of my house and disappeared.”

He explained that he is not rejecting the child, but due to the large number of people he helps and feeds, he advised the mother to place the infant in a government facility or a motherless babies’ home.

He added, “I’m sorry, unlike me. I am not rejecting this child. I don’t reject children. I am only giving him to the government, not rejecting him.

“I am currently feeding more than a thousand people daily, and food stuff is increasing every day.

“So mama, go to Abacha police station and collect your boy. And take him to motherless baby homes. Thank you, and God bless you.”

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Apostle Chibuzor is known for his extensive philanthropic work through the Omega Power Ministry Foundation.

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