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16 Persons Sentenced To A Fine For Invading UTV |

16 accused persons who invaded the United Television (UTV) studios at Tesano in the Greater Accra Region on 7th October 2023 have been convicted and sentenced to a fine by the Achimota District Court.

Following a report by the management of United Television (UTV) and the Ministry of Information on 7th October 2023,  that the convicted persons had entered the UTV Studios and disrupted a live programme, the Police proceeded to arrest them on the premises of UTV. They were subsequently charged for being on the premises for unlawful purposes and arraigned before the court today, 16th October 2023.

The accused persons pleaded guilty to the charge against them. They were, therefore, convicted on their own pleas and sentenced to a fine of 200 penalty units each which amounts to Two Thousand Four Hundred Ghana Cedis (GH 2,400.00) in default 3 months imprisonment.

They were also ordered by the Court to sign a bond to be of good behaviour in default 6 months imprisonment.




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