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Monday, June 17, 2024

I am currently dating someone outside of Ghana and that is the best – Vanessa Nicole  –

The former wife of Ghanaian comedian Funny Face, Vanessa Nicole, has disclosed that she is currently in a relationship with someone residing outside of Ghana.

This revelation represents a significant development in her personal life following her separation from Funny Face in 2020.

In an exclusive interview with Ghanaian blogger, Zion Felix, she stated“ I have dated after I and Funny Face’s incident, if I tell you I am not dating it’s a lie because I am dating. But the person is not in the country.

Sharing details about her newfound happiness and offering insights into her current relationship.

According to her, dating someone beyond the borders of Ghana has brought a refreshing perspective to her life, deeming it as the best decision she has made recently.

“Opting for a long relationship is the best for me, for everybody in my situation. The work I do, my kids involved. Having someone will be a problem.

Additionally sheemphasized that there is no hostility between her and her ex-husband.

According to her “We’re on good terms; Funny Face and I maintain a friendly relationship. When parents are on good terms, it reflects positively on the children”.

The former couple, parents to three children, drew significant media attention during their tumultuous breakup, officially declaring their separation in 2020.


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