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UPSA Confers Doctorate Degrees On First Lady Rebecca Akufo-Addo, Others


In a historic event, the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) has conferred honorary doctorate degrees on three distinguished Ghanaian women for their remarkable contributions national development.

The recipients of these honors are the First Lady, Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo, the former Speaker of Parliament, Justice Joyce Bamford Addo, and the former Chief Justice, Georgina Theodora Wood.

The prestigious event took place on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 with President Akufo-Addo as the special guest of honor.

The Vice-Chancellor of UPSA, Professor Abednego Amartey, praised the recipients for their outstanding achievements. Each of these women has broken barriers and achieved notable milestones in their respective fields, making a significant impact on both Ghanaian society and beyond.

Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo, the First Lady, was recognized for her role as the founder and first CEO of the Rebecca Foundation, as well as her commitment to social development.

Justice Joyce Bamford Addo, the former Speaker of Parliament, was applauded for being the first female Speaker of Parliament in Ghana’s history and the first female justice of the Supreme Court.

Lastly, Her Ladyship Justice Georgina Theodora Wood, the former Chief Justice of Ghana, was honored as the first female Chief Justice in the country.

Professor Abednego Amartey stressed the significance of the honorary doctorate awards, stating that they symbolize not only recognition but also a lifetime of dedication, passion, and impact.

He commended the recipients for their contributions in diverse fields, including social development, law, and politics, and their profound impact on public service.
Their achievements serve as a source of inspiration for future generations.

The Vice-Chancellor highlighted the exceptional professionalism of these women and their commitment to humanitarian causes and philanthropy.

He acknowledged their role in breaking gender norms and paving the way for other women to excel, emphasizing that excellence knows no gender.

With their significant accomplishments and outstanding contributions, the award recipients were described as individuals who have left indelible marks on their field and society as a whole.

The conferment of honorary doctorate degrees not only recognizes their achievements but also acknowledges their inspirational roles within the academic community.

The UPSA’s recognition of these exceptional women serves as a testament to their remarkable journeys and the power of breaking barriers, defying expectations, and creating new paths for others to follow. Their achievements will inspire generations to come and continue to shape the landscape of Ghanaian society.

By Vincent Kubi

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