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Sunday, June 2, 2024

NDC, NPP MP clash over absenteeism in parliament

The Member of Parliament(MP) for Okaikoi Central, Patrick Yaw Boamah, has taken a swipe at South Dayi MP, Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor for raising concerns about the lack of quorum in the House on Wednesday, July 19.

Parliament on Wednesday had to adjourn sittings due to the lack of the required number of 92 legislators in the House for business activities following an application for adjournment by the MP for South Dayi.

In a submission on the Floor of Parliament, Mr Boamah said the mischievous conduct of Mr Dafeamekpor must be looked into.

“Once you are within the precincts of Parliament you are deemed to be present undertaking business you are so directed. So for a member who belongs to a Committee with its activities being televised to leave it and enter the Chamber to raise an issue of quorum, for the whole country to think that this Parliament is not a serious House smacks of mischief.

“We are in this country together, and we want to run the country as a civilized one, and we believe that members ought not to stray into other areas that will present Parliament in a bad state and so this ought to be looked into.”

On Wednesday, Mr Dafeamekpor debunked the assertion of being mischievous with his motion for adjournment, saying that the records available suggest that the house was not well-formed for business activities.

“My brother Patrick Boamah makes the point that members come to sign and go for committee meetings, but he has forgotten that when you attend committee meetings, your attendance is marked again so that is not the argument because the Supreme Court says that anytime Parliament is convened there should be a quorum to be determined.”


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