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Monday, June 17, 2024

GIJ’s Franklina Bema sheds light on forthcoming Academic-Practitioner Conference on Metro TV

Franklina Bema, a level 300 top-up student of the Ghana Institute of Journalism (GIJ), was on Metropolitan Television (Metro TV) on Friday, July 14 to dissect the subject, ‘Harnessing the power of Public Relations.’

The show host, Nana Yaa Tanoah Boakye asked Franklina to essentially underscore the merits of the course and its impact on students when they find themselves in the job market.

Franklina eloquently stressed that because the course is so broad and the fact there is an inconsistency between the theory and practical aspects, she studied the course extensively to help remedy the anomaly.

She also emphasized that Public Relations goes beyond the professional maintenance of a favourable public image by a company or another organization or a famous person.

Beyond that, she spoke about the UniMac-GIJ joint conference, organized by the Faculty of Public Relations, Advertising and Marketing (FOPAM) which is scheduled for July 17, 2023, that intends to expand more on this subject.

The programme according to her, is aimed at bringing together individuals from academic and professional/ practitioner backgrounds.

In her words, this will help bridge the gap between theory and practice. It will also create a platform for researchers to share their academic works and practitioners will also have the opportunity to share their industry experiences. There would be networking opportunities, fostering collaboration and exchange of knowledge.

July 16 every year is dedicated to the commemoration of World PR Day hence on Monday, July 17 this year, the Faculty of Public Relations, Advertising and Marketing of the Ghana Institute of Journalism will be organizing the Academic-Practitioners Conference 2.0 in commemoration of the WPRD2023.

Watch the video below;

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