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Monday, June 3, 2024

John Mahama’S Billbiards Pulled Down By The Effutu Municipal Assembly

The Effutu Municipal Assembly has embarked on an operation to pull down billboards in the municipality that display the image of John Dramani Mahama. These billboards are said to have been erected by the former Parliamentary candidate Dr. James Kofi Annan, to advertise John Mahama in the constituency.

Mr. Abraham Henry Arthur, the General Secretary of the constituency’s chapter of the National Democratic Congress said: “Mr.James Kofi Annan has so far erected 20 billboards in the Central Region for John Dramani Mahama to support him in the upcoming presidential primaries. Eleven of the billboards are found in the Agona West and Gomoa East constituencies, while the rest are just being pasted on the already erected billboards in the Effutu constituency.

“We were astonished and surprised to see the Assembly embarking on such exercise without any notice, and when we inquired for explainations the answer was that they are acting on instructions”.

“They started pulling the billboards down. In one such situation, the personnel pulled down the billboard bearing John Mahama’s pictures while they left a neigbouring billboard, which was just erected side-by-side that of John Mahama, an indication of the intentions of whoever gave the orders from above”. Mr. Matthew Afedzie, an eyewitness said.

“What is worrisome is the fact that this is the fourth time billboards belonging to James Kofi Annan have been pulled down even though he has permits to cover all of them. So far, since 2020, a total of 43 billboards of various sizes running into several tens of thousands of Ghana Cedis belonging to James Kofi Annan has been pulled down by the assembly even though there are permits to cover them.” Mr. Abraham Henry Arthur lamented

However, he assured party supporters of the Effutu NDC chapter, to remain resolute in support of their presumptive former candidates, Dr. James Kofi Annan, and H. E. John Dramani Mahama.

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Abraham Henry Arthur
Effutu Municipal Assembly
John Mahama’S
National Democratic
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