Six (6) Signs Your Partner Might Be A Player

Hey, we are again with another interesting take on how to win the heart of the woman or man you need in your lives. Let’s get started. It’s all too easy to fall for someone’s wit and charm to get swept away by their romantic words and gestures, and but there’s a lot more to falling in love than just thrill and excitement.

It’s about trusting someone with your most precious possession, your heart and you can’t have that with a person who just wants to have fun and flirt all the time. You wouldn’t want to give your heart away to someone who won’t take care of it, who might cheat on you or leave you for the next person that comes along.

So if you want to save yourself all that pain? Your heartache. Here are eight warning signs that you might be dealing with a player. One, they’re overconfident. Confidence is an attractive quality to have, and just because someone is confident doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re a player, right?

But there’s a fine line between being confident and being cocky, and most players tend to fall into the latter category. They’re never hesitant in telling you how they feel and asking you out, because they’re sure that they can make you say yes.

While many get tongue tied around the people they like, not them. They’re smooth, slick, and charming as ever. It can be a red flag. Very early on, so watch out for this one. Two, they flatter you too much.

To quote Hank Ketcham, flattery is like chewing gum. Enjoy it, but don’t swallow it. Flattery is one of the oldest weapons in the arsenal of all ladies men. Now, it’s not to say that whenever someone pays you a compliment.

It’s always some kind of play, but when someone is so quick to sweet talk you to the point where it starts to feel disingenuous, you might want to be wary of their actual intentions.

Do they use a lot of lines that feel rehearsed and insincere? Or do you often find yourself wondering if they’ve told someone all those same things before? If so, watch out. Three, there are natural at flirting. Does this person in mind have a habit of flirting with other people?

Have you ever caught them being a bit too friendly with the waiter or the barista or the receptionist, even when you’re out together? Some people love to flirt because it’s fun and exciting, but if your partner is really serious about you, they’ll stop the moment you tell them it makes you uncomfortable.

But a player, a player will insist that you’re just imagining things and that you should stop being so jealous. What your concerns. Are certainly warranted if you often catch him or her checking out someone else. For they’re vague about everything.

When asked where they’ve been or what they were doing, they’ll usually shrug it off and say, oh, I was just doing some work or school stuff, or I had a thing I needed to do. They keep things ambiguous and make you feel like you shouldn’t ask too much about it.

While you shouldn’t jump to conclusions right away, you need to entertain the possibility that it might be because they’re seeing other people behind your back.

It would be understandable if you haven’t made things official with them yet, but if you’ve already promised to be exclusive with one another, then why would they be hiding things and trying to keep their whereabouts a secret from you?

Five, they’re always on their phone. Is your partner constantly on their phone, and when you ask them who they’re talking to, they’re brush it off saying it’s no one. Still, their phone won’t stop vibrating, and they’re always receiving calls, even when you’re together.

It’s more than just enjoying their privacy and you feel like they have something to hide, and that should already be the first clue that they might be trying to play you.

Six, they want to keep things casual. Has someone you’ve dated ever told you they don’t want to label things, or that you should just have fun and see where this goes?

Even though you’ve already been dating for quite some time now? That means that they’re not serious about the relationship and aren’t ready to commit.

Maybe not now, or maybe not ever. They don’t introduce you to their immediate friends or families. Then checkout, your partner is a player.

Thank you.

Content by Honey.

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