Osteoporosis Is One Of The Inevitable Disease For All Humans.

Osteoporosis is one of the inevitable diseases for all human beings, this disease affects the bones of him. Sooner or later our bones will become brittle and break more easily.

Osteoporosis affects all bones of the skeleton, there is a marked decrease in mass of bones.

The osteoporosis disease manifest itself at the age of 60 or above( which is when the disease is usually diagnosed). Osteoporosis has severe consequences for patients, chronic pain and prolonged bed rest due to bone fracture.

Bone mass peaks between the age of 30 and 40. Therefore, at the age of 40 it is necessary to maintain muscle tone and stimulate bone regeneration with strength exercise.

Regular exercise will help reduce the pain the pains of the osteoporosis disease at the adult age.

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