Aisha Huang May Face Punishments For Treason If Found Guilty; Lawyer Martin Kpebu Educates Ghanaians

Lawyer Martin Kpebu, who is a private legal practitioner has revealed what should be done to Aisha Huang if she is found guilty.

Lawyer Martin Kpebu stated that, if Aisha Huang is taken to the court of law for judgement over the illegal mining case, and if unfortunate for her she is found guilty then she must spend not less than 15 years imprisonment and not more than 25 years.

He added that, Aisha Huang has committed a crime that can be compared to treason. Anyone who smuggles gold and didmond may attract punishments that are given to crimes like treason. The punishments for the crime is death sentences.

He added that, Aisha Huang is to face death penalty if she is found guilty in the law court.

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Aisha Huang
Martin Kpebu