How to Give Your Girl Attention:2 Ways to Make Her Feel Special

1. Communicating with your girl is a great way to give her attention.

In any relationship, communication is key, and in today’s digital age, texting is an even more important way to give your partner attention. But your girl isn’t like any other girl, so message her in a way that is unique to her!

Send her a picture of something from an inside joke to make her laugh.

Stay updated about what’s going on in her life, and be there for her if she needs you.

Text her a 😊 to brighten any message.

Send her a funny meme or gif to express your feelings and make her laugh.

2. Your girl means the absolute world to you, so tell her how much you adore her. A genuine compliment here and there is a great way to give her attention without seeming like you’re trying too hard. Compliment her in a way that will make her feel good. You know her best, so boost her confidence by letting her know that you love every part of her.

“Your smile is contagious.”

“You’re beautiful.”

“I love the way you light up a room just by being there.”

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