Cute outfits to dress our baby girls in for this hot girl summer season.

Times are fast changing and the new world is not leaving children out of the fast paced fashion world. As we are in the summer season, there are a lot of events happening and our daughters do not need to be left out of the action.There are tons of cute dress combinations that can be made for our babies.Here are a few combinations you can either get inspiration from or recreate for summer occasion.

This outfit can easily be recreated it is just like shopping at a thrift shop just in a smaller size.I can imagine how fire a photo shoot with this outfit will turn out.The hairstyle is also simple a messy bun with cute shades to complete the look.

First off, these braids are absolutely gorgeous I think I will make a different compilation of braids for our babies as well.This is a simple top and bottom situation with some kicks to match.

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