2 Ways to Make a Woman Feel Loved and Secure

1. Active listening shows your partner you care about what she says. When you and your partner are having a conversation (even a mundane one), get rid of distractions like your phone or the TV and make eye contact with her. Nod along to show that you understand, and ask follow-up questions if you don’t get something.

Ask questions like, “Can you tell me more?” or, “Interesting. Could you explain that?”

You can also rephrase what she says to show that you understand, like, “So what you’re saying is…

2. Being vulnerable shows that you trust her. As you two get to know each other more, let your guard down and show her the real you. The more you open up to her, the better she’ll feel about being open and honest with you, too.

You don’t have to open up all at once, but try telling her about your childhood or why your previous relationships ended. If you can let her in, even a little bit, it will help you two understand each other on a deeper level

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