5 Condition That Make Men Grow Grey Hair Prematurely

Some men experience premature graying of hair due to various circumstances. Eventually everyone turned white to some degree. Some people struggle with gray hair because they believe it means wisdom.

Some men’s gray hair appears prematurely, making you think they are older. Some of the things people do, as well as events beyond their control, can predispose people to desired gray hair at an early age. The following factors can be blamed:

1. According to Healthline, men experiencing premature graying can be caused by a combination of heredity or genetics. Some people in their 30s or 40s have already developed gray hair.

Meanwhile, some men in their 60s don’t have a lot of gray hair and haven’t dyed their hair. This is his genetic makeup, or so it goes in his family line.

2. Some develop premature gray hair due to too much stress in their life. Certain stress-related illnesses can cause a person to age very quickly, to the point where they start to look older than their actual biological age.

3. Nutritional deficiencies can also lead to premature graying of hair, especially if you lack certain minerals such as copper, zinc and others in your diet.

4. Some of us use certain chemicals that cause gray hair. You will see some men apply shaving powder on their beards. It smelled very bad and they dyed their beards white and then shaved them off.

After a few years, their beard will turn gray due to the harsh chemicals in the shaving powder you have used over the years.

5. When people undergo certain medical procedures, they can also get gray hair very easily. The good news is that almost all of these conditions that cause premature graying of hair are largely preventable and most are treatable if you know the right steps.

Content created and supplied by: Bada004 (via Opera
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