The Worst Time Of The Day To Have Sex, According To Science. Many People Do It At The Wrong Time.

If you feel that your partner is not taking interest in lovemaking or your sexual life is getting undesirable, then there may be a special reason for this. Science shows that there are times during the day where getting intimate can be very satisfying and times where it become less satisfying. Studies pinpoint a time of the day which is a bad time to get intimate.

Studies from the Journal of Sexual Medicine show that the timing of men’s and women’s libidos are at polar opposites (are different). Women feel the most desire in the evening, whilst men are most aroused in the morning.

Maybe you’re more of a nighttime lover. Or perhaps afternoon delights are your thing. Everyone has their preference when it comes to making love, but if you’re looking to get your libido into a higher gear, there’s one time of day in particular to avoid it. According to research and studies, the worst time to make love is actually between 10pm and 12am (midnight).

Most people tend to get intimate at night, however, research shows that this is a mistake people make which makes them stop enjoying healthy sex life. The most common time people have sex, as it turns out is not really the best time to do the deed. This is because, the human mind and body reaches its peak stress levels by 10:00pm to midnight. Therefore the body yearns more for rest during this time.

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Journal of Sexual Medicine