Health Benefits of Alcohol You Didn’t Know About


The bartender will tell you that this is the most common drink consumed in the club because it has a much lower alcohol than other drinks. Beer is full of certain vitamins, riboflavin and thiamin, which help the body’s cells convert carbohydrates into energy.


According to a Swedish study, women who drank 1-2 bottles of beer a week had a 30 percent lower risk of heart attack than women who drank a lot or didn’t drink at all.

Whenever you pass a bar or liquor store, especially on the weekends, you’ll find this area filled with people sipping their favorite drink.

People drink for a variety of reasons, such as pleasure and to improve social skills, while others drink to cool off after a busy day. Although some people associate some alcoholic beverages, such as beer, with weight gain, research shows that drinking has several health benefits.

Alcohol can help fight colds

A study in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that red wine contains several antioxidants that can help reduce the risk of catching a cold by up to 60 percent. If you’re battling the flu, it might not be a bad idea to add a bottle of red wine to your medicine cabinet.

Red wine can improve your memory

Researchers have found a special compound in red wine known as resveratrol that helps improve memory by breaking down sugar in the body. Researchers also suggest this compound is ideal for reducing the risk of inflammation and blood clots, both of which play an important role in heart disease.

Beer contains vitamins

The bartender will tell you that this is the most common drink consumed in the club because it has a much lower alcohol than other drinks. Beer is full of certain vitamins, riboflavin and thiamin, which help the body’s cells convert carbohydrates into energy. It is also high in magnesium and calcium, which are great for building strong bones.

Dark beers like Guinness are said to have a slight advantage over better beers due to their high iron , which helps promote better oxygen circulation in the body.

Beer lowers heart attack risk in women

According to a Swedish study, women who drank 1-2 bottles of beer a week had a 30 percent lower risk of heart attack than women who drank a lot or didn’t drink at all.

Tequila can help you lose weight

Tequila is said to contain a natural sugar known as agave, which helps in shedding extra pounds. Gin is also said to have the ability to prevent type 2 diabetes, reduce the risk of dementia, and even reverse aging.

Cranberry and vodka can boost your creativity.

Sounds great for cocktail lovers. If you want to improve your idea, try sipping this cocktail every now and then. Cranberry juice also helps fight cardiovascular disease, has anti-inflammatory effects in the body, and may even help repair skin. On the other hand, vodka is a low-calorie drink and the combination makes up the best combination.

Although alcoholic beverages can have many benefits for your body, experts recommend consuming them in moderation, as excessive alcohol consumption can be harmful to your health.

Content created and supplied by: Bada004 (via Opera
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