John Mahama Is Staying Out Of Trouble- A True Politician

John Mahama seems to have been staying out of trouble for some time now. Diplomacy has played an important role in this country and among many political parties. Sharing your thoughts and opinions on how the state of the economy is has always been welcomed.

Mahama seems to be in the comfortable lead among his peers who would want to go against him in the coming elections. His peace of mind and sanity seems to be taken care of by other members of the national democratic congress.

Mahama has stayed calm and collected in the past few weeks and has refused to talk about challenging and pressing issues of state. He is not mute because he is scared to talk about them but because he knows his people are doing the work.

Ndc members of parliament and other party officials are taking matters seriously and making John Mahama stay out of trouble. He is the darling boy of the part as it stands and his image is being protected strongly by other executives of the party. Does he have a contender?

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John Mahama