Qatar 2022: 3 Things You Can’t Do At The World Cup Even If Your Team Wins; See Full Details

The Qatari government has actually shown Qatar is a disciplined country that sticks strictly to its norms, ethics and legal regulations irrespective of circumstances encountered.

In view of this fact, they have publicly disclosed some stringent rules governing celebration limits after one’s national team emerges victorious in each and every match.

According to the authorities of Qatar, there will be no kind of sexual activity tolerated after a team emerges victorious in a match. In relation to this, couples who would like to have sex should be legally married. That’s to say, even fiance and fiancees are not eligible for this liberty.


Also, one cannot secure accommodation for his or her g!rlfr!end or female partner unless they are lawfully married. In other words, no room for two if both parties are just friends who are of the opposite sex.

The last prohibition is that there will no form of one-night stand at the World Cup. That’s to say, prøst!tut!øn will be banned during the tournament. These rules also apply to couples who are either lesbians or gays

Content created and supplied by: NanaAmpaduKhelly (via Opera
News )

World Cup