Irresponsible Adolescent Behaviours From Students

Irresponsible adolescent behaviours are basically referred to as bad habits which students portray. We’ve noticed the changes in the behavior of some students, they have now become more deviant. Student’s no longer want to listen to reason and advice from the elderly, hence they act on their own impulse. The behaviours of students are not pleasing to the eye, these behaviours include.

Stealing. It is one of the most common traits deviant pupils put up. Due to social lifestyle and self-interest, students steal form their friends and parents just to satisfy their needs.

Then there is lieing. At this stages of their life, they experience a lot of challenges. They show false identify and live a false life. As a result of peer influence, they may be forced to lie about themselves of the lifestyle they live. Others going the extra mile to lie to their parents as well.

Cheating is a bad habit found in most students, especially in examinations. Cheating itself will direct a person’s attention from the truth, as always the person will assume for himself a good performance due to his cheating techniques, but in actual fact he is not performing well.

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