Why Germany Is Returning Over 20 Stolen Treasures Plus $1.3 Billion Compensation Package To Namibia.

The history of Namibia has passed through several distinct stages from being colonized in the late nineteenth century to Namibia’s independence on 21 March 1990. From 1884, Namibia was a German colony: German South West Africa.

Now Germany is returning over 20 treasures that were stolen from Namibia by German colonialists from 1884-1915. Germany has agreed to give a $1.3 billion compensation to Namibia for genocidal killings. According to historians, German Gen. Lothar von Trotha, who was sent to what was then German South West Africa (Namibia) to put down an uprising by the Herero people, instructed his troops to wipe out the entire tribe, killing about 100,000 Hereros and 10,000 Namas settlers from 1904 to 1908.

They will spend the money on infrastructural projects in Namibia over the period of 30 years instead of paying cash. This comes in after Namibia sued Germany for committing a genocide against the Herero and Namaqua people of Namibia. Namibia demanded $81 billion as compensation. Germany agreed to give them $1.3 billion worth of infrastructural projects instead.

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Lothar von Trotha
South West Africa