The Truth About Alcohol And Spirituality

Alcohol will not help you on your spiritual journey. Despite society’s marketing messaging to the contrary, ingesting alcohol does not result in a positive or high vibrational change.

Alcohol, on the other hand, works against your spiritual development. Alcohol lowers your frequency, dulls your psychic perceptions, and damages your aura by creating energetic holes.

Why Do We Drink Alcohol?

If you’re like me, you already know that drinking is bad for your body. You are aware that alcohol is detrimental to our spiritual development. So, what makes you drink?

The key is to understand the difference between the conscious and subconscious mind. Even if you consciously wish to eliminate alcohol from your life, your subconscious mind may still believe that it serves you well.

How to Reach the Highest Vibrational Level

Alcohol has no place in your life if you wish to enter into your greatest vibratory light and experience your real truth. This isn’t to suggest that you can’t have spiritual experiences or connect with your Angels while drinking alcohol. You certainly can.

I’m referring to the path of mastery, which involves embodying your highest vibration and light. If this is your road, the path of ascension, then alcohol has no place in your life.

When you consume alcohol, your vibration falls. It can take up to 10 days to reset your vibrational level before drinking.

This means that drinking one glass of wine per week lowers your vibration over time. I believe we’re all on this channel to ascend to higher levels of light, which is why I wanted to speak up. Alcohol is seen as glamorous in society.

Ask the Archangels for Support

Fast and pray for Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael to help you cut any addiction connections. They can assist you in releasing any alcohol spirits that may be present. This is what’s going on from a spiritual standpoint. As a result of the weakening of your aura, you attract lower vibrational energy and become vulnerable to lower vibrational creatures and energies.

It’s critical to restore your energy body the next day if you drink alcohol. Work on your aura and fill yourself with light. Restore your vibrational balance by shining light.

Surround oneself with love, light, and happiness. Keep in mind that love and light are more powerful than darkness and negativity, so focus on the positive.

Hope this has been beneficial to your spiritual growth.

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Content created and supplied by: Bronzeman (via Opera
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Alcohol And Spirituality