It Is Easy For A Camel To Go Through A Needle Eye Than For A Judge To Cite An Article By A Ghanaian

The RFS did not say anything different from what many ordinary Ghanaians had already said about press freedom. Moody did not say anything different from what many ordinary Ghanaians had already said about borrowing.

The US Human Rights report did not say anything different from what many ordinary Ghanaians had already said about the abuse of human rights and corruption.

The heightened official interest in the RFS, Moody’s, and the US reports compared to the lack of interest in what ordinary Ghanaian say just shows that officialdom is more concerned about what foreign sources say than what ordinary Ghanaians say.

Believe it or not, there would have been an official response if the recent mortuary documentary was produced by the Red Cross, BBC, or any foreign .

Believe it or not, it will be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a Ghanaian judge to cite a commentary or an article by a Ghanaian, no matter how relevant.

Ghanaians understand that he who feels it knows it and will accordingly dismantle this presumption of foreign importance or local irrelevance.

Content created and supplied by: BATACH (via Opera
News )

US Human Rights