These Foods Will Disgrace You Before Your Partner In Bed, Avoid Them

Stress, work, financial position, food, and exercise are all elements that affect our mood. Your nutrition is one of the most essential factors that determines your mood, and it is something that we can easily modify over time.

Though we cannot always control what we eat, we can make sure that on the day of a date or the night before a date, we are conscious of what we are eating. Certain meals should be avoided if you want to get the most out of intimacy. If you’re planning on getting intimate, here’s a list of foods to avoid:

1. Energizing beverages.

Energy drinks in general are bad because they include artificial sweeteners and sugar, which may give you a boost in the short term but are extremely damaging to your health in the long run.

2. Peppermint.

Peppermint contains menthol, which has been shown in tests to suppress testosterone levels, reducing mood and performance. Of course, if you’re worried about bad breath and have a date coming up, chewing gum is the way to go.

3. Garlic and onions.

We’re all aware that onions and garlic may cause bread breath, but they can also change the odor of your secretions. Pungent foods should be avoided before intimacy, so avoid spiced onions or your favorite garlic kebabs before the activity.

4. Carbohydrates that are rich in starch.

We all know that junk food is high in carbohydrates, but eating too much of it can cause blood sugar levels to drop, making you feel sluggish. Avoid carb-heavy meals like fries, rice, or pastas if you want to spice up your intimate life.

5. Products made from soy.

Although soy is healthy, consuming too much of it can lead to hormonal imbalances, which can lead to a loss of mood. Soy should be avoided before the exercise if you’re a vegetarian.

6. Beans.

Although beans are high in energy and provide a satisfying meal, they can cause bloating, fatigue, and an increase in flatulence which is disturbing.

7. Fries.

Because french fries are fried, they are obviously bad for your health, too much of them can cause testosterone to drop and blood circulation to suffer.

8. Cheese.

In general, dairy products are mood killers. This is why it’s best to avoid cheese because it won’t make you be in the mood.

9. Spicy foods.

It’s time to avoid spicy foods before intimacy if you want the best from it. Spicy foods might cause acid reflux, indigestion, or even a thousand trips to the bathroom.

10. Alcohol.

You would believe that getting drunk will make things more interesting, but it turns out that it can actually make things worse. Alcohol changes your mood by increasing melatonin, a hormone that encourages sleep. As a result, you’ll feel sluggish or weak and unprepared for the exercise.

11. Salty foods.

Finally, before intimacy, stay away from salty foods. That’s because salty foods cause you to become bloated quickly. It can also hinder you from having a fulfilment by lowering blood flow which you obviously don’t like.

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