Coalition on health sends strong message to govt, nurses over strike [audio]


File photo: Demonstrating nurses

A Non-Governmental Organisation, Coalition on Health, has slammed the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association (GRNMA) and the government over the recent strike at the expense of the Ghanaians.

Chairman for the coalition, Gabriel Banaku, expressing his frustrations on Adom FM’s morning show Dwaso Nsem, said stakeholders involved have failed to think about the wellbeing of Ghanaians and decided to put the lives of Ghanaians at risk

To him, health as an institution is very sensitive, hence it is bad to compromise the rights of people in the health sector.

“It is very important that we serve our country well. Our nurses always want to use the laws to always go on strike, but what they are forgetting is that you cannot compromise the rights of people with health. We need to move beyond just politics and laws and do what is natural.


“Over the years, these nurses, doctors and government have been playing around with Ghanaians and always threatening with laws and politics,” he said.

He accused people in the health sector of being too self-centred, stating they do not think about the well-being of Ghanaians.

He called out at the government to also do what is right and quit politicising everything it does.

“As a government, your duty is to invite them and discuss in good faith and not add politics to it. And the leadership of the health professionals should also be considerate and know that they won’t get everything they want, especially in this period we find ourselves in,” he urged.

The GRNMA last Thursday announced its decision to withdraw its services, effective today, to press home its demand for improved conditions of service

However, the NLC on Friday obtained an interlocutory injunction against the GRNMA, restraining it from embarking on the proposed strike, an order the association defied and began the strike on Monday.

The strike has left patients stranded at health facilities across the country.

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