Kanye West Has Never Voted In His Life — — –


Kanye West | Image: ABC News

Billionaire rapper Kanye West who added a new twist to the 2020 United States presidential race when he announced his bid to contest on Saturday has never voted in his life.

According to his recent interview with Forbes, West registered to vote for the first time on Monday. The sneakers mogul said he was registering for the first time because he was scared.

“The reason why this is the first day I registered to vote is because I was scared,” West said in his response to a question on the Democrats who he accused of having threatened him.

“I was told that if I voted on Trump my music career would be over. I was threatened into being in one party. I was threatened as a celebrity into being in one party. I was threatened as a Black man into the Democratic party. And that’s what the Democrats are doing, emotionally, to my people. Threatening them to the point where this white man can tell a Black man if you don’t vote for me, you’re not Black,” West said referencing Joe Biden who in May said African Americans “ain’t black” if they even consider voting for President Donald Trump over him during an interview with radio host, Charlamagne Tha God.

Prior to his Saturday presidential bid announcement in which he tweeted, “I am running for president of the United States! #2020VISION,” West had been a vocal supporter of Donald Trump. Now, he would be running against his former “buddy”.

Although this is not the first time the 43-year-old would be making his intention to become president known, he, however, hasn’t mapped out his plans.

“I have to say with all humility that as a man, I don’t have all of the pieces in the puzzle,” West told Forbes on being a novice to politics.

He also hasn’t figured out what his foreign policy would be. “I haven’t developed it yet. I’m focused on protecting America, first, with our great military. Let’s focus on ourselves first,” West said.

As opposed to developing a policy, the rapper actually prefers the word “design”.

“I don’t know if I would use the word policy for the way I would approach things. I don’t have a policy when I went to Nike and designed Yeezy and went to Louis and designed a Louis Vuitton at the same time. It wasn’t a policy, it was a design. We need to innovate the design to be able to free the mind at this time.”

As for taxes, he admitted that he hasn’t done enough research on that yet. The born-again rapper promises to do it with the “strongest experts that serve God and come back with the best solution.”

Even if one might not take him as a “serious” prospect, Kanye West assures his intending voters of one thing: fun.
“My campaign is Kanye West YES, not YEP, not YEAH. YES. YES. YES… When I’m president, let’s also have some fun.”


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