Why some people can’t forget their ex-lover



Why some people can’t get over their ex-lover, as per the zodiac signs

When we are young, we tend to fall in and out of love too easily. We create bonds that either last for eternity or do not hold strong at all. However, there are times, when people fall too hard in love and cannot get over a relationship. This can be due to many reasons. From being too dazed in love to being extremely dependent, some people just cannot wrap their heads around a break-up and continue reminiscing the good old days with their ex-partners. According to the zodiac signs, people have different personalities and therefore, each sign deals differently with their break-ups. When one fails to move on with their romantic lives and chooses to cling to their past relationships, it could be due to many reasons. To help you find out, here’s why some people just can’t get over their ex-lovers, based on their zodiac signs.


Unlike any other zodiac sign, Aries is more hung up on the memories they created with the ex-partners than their exes themselves. For them, it’s not at all about getting back together, but it is all about the nostalgia that hits them hard. While they have no trouble in moving on, they cherish every ounce of the time spent together with their exes and cannot get over the fact that it’s all over.


Taureans can be extremely stubborn and particular about their circle. Therefore, when a Taurus opens his heart to someone, he expects complete commitment. For them, it’s all about the trust and the understanding they have built during their time together and when that time is over, it is extremely difficult for them to move on or forget the ex-partner.


Geminis are unsure about their choices in life. They are curious and are always on the run for new adventures. So, if they have trouble moving on from their previous relationship, it’s probably because for once in their lives, they were sure about their decision. Although they won’t have trouble moving on, they sure will hang on to what they had in the past and will cling to the memories of their ex-partner.


Cancerians are extremely emotional people. While they don’t reveal their emotional side to their partners, they come out as hard-core lovers. So, once their relationship comes to an end, it is truly heartbreaking for them. Not only do they linger onto the memories of their ex-lovers, but they also refuse to move on to their next potential partner.


Leos may come out as people with strong personalities. They do not seem like the kind of people who would cling on to their ex-relationships. However, you may be wrong. Leos, who appear to be dominant and carefree, are actually soft from the inside. Once they fall in love with their partners, they become too attached. So attached that they cannot get over them after they even break up.


Being a Virgo means being a perfectionist. They are extremely practical about the decisions they make in life and are very particular about the people they welcome into their lives. If a Virgo chooses to be in a relationship, he or she is ready to take it to the next level and there’s no looking back from there. Maybe that’s why it’s difficult for a Virgo to get over their ex-lovers.


Libras are dedicated and emotional people. They are people who are always up for a serious and lasting relationship. For them, the idea of a partner is someone who they can spend the rest of their lives with and they make sure to fulfill that purpose. Therefore, if and when their relationship falters and comes to an end, they just can’t seem to get over it.


Scorpios are passionate lovers. The way they care for their partners or the way they love is sincere and awe-inspiring. And maybe that’s why they’re always haunted by the memories of their ex-lovers. As much as they try to get over them, the intense love they have developed for their exes during their time together, makes it hard for them to move on.


Sagittarians are more driven towards an adventurous life and surely, while you were together with your ex-partner, you have ventured into exciting adventures too. Probably, this could be one of the reigning reasons for why you can’t get over them. All the fun and exciting memories you two made together, comes back to torment you whenever you think of moving on.


Capricorns are extremely uptight. Everything they do or say or think comes from their mind rather than their heart. And most probably, your relationship ended because of your over pragmatist attitude. The reason you can’t get over your ex-lover can be because you are in a state of regret and remorse. You feel that you could have done a better job at being a good partner and such thoughts stop them from forgetting their ex-lover.


Aquarians are free-spirited individuals. They don’t like being controlled but want control over everything. This is why, when a relationship ends for an Aquarian, it is highly torturous for them, because everything is out of their hands. They feel at unease because they did not get the closure they were looking for in a relationship.


Pisceans are born-dreamers. Their idealistic expectations make it extremely difficult for them to get over their exes. For them, their partners are their soulmates. Without considering the realistic aspects of a relationship, they start planning and dreaming about a future that is least likely to happen, making it extremely difficult for a Piscean to forget their ex-boyfriend.


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