E.L Expresses Shock That Sister Afia And Freda Rhymz Fought Publicly » ™


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E.L has reacted to the fight between Freda Rhymz and Sister Afia which took place at the premises of TV3.

In a trending video that surfaced last week, Sister Afia and Freda Rhymz nearly exchanged blows when they clashed face-to-face for the first time after their beef songs when they were both heading to the station for an interview session with MzGee.

Sister Afia

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The employers and security men intervened quickly otherwise a nasty brawl would have ensued and which would have inevitably gained international recognition.

Speaking in an interview with Amansan Krakye on Radio Central in Cape Coast, EL advised the ladies not to take their beef beyond the lyrical war of words.

“We should tell ourselves that we are all we got so when you go outside Ghana you realize we’re a small country. If we fight ourselves how do we expect to go further to raise the flag of our country.

Me I will encourage togetherness instead of division because I would like to see artistes doing something positive to alleviate the plight of poor people in society.

The unfortunate thing is that right now we find ourselves in Coronavirus situation and you don’t see artistes coming together to fight for a greater good. That’s why I don’t often go to social media because I’m pained when I see such things.


But I hope this doesn’t escalate among the ladies because we also look up to them and we go to them for advice because they have that soft voice so I would like to see peace rather than fights”.

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