Parents urged to give more chocolates to their children


Afedzi Abdullah, GNA

Cape Coast, Feb. 15,
GNA – Parents have been encouraged to regularly purchase chocolate for their
children as there are many health benefits associated with its consumption.

Mr Isaac Opirah, the
Chief Officer at the Central Regional branch of the Ghana Tourism Authority
(GTA) who gave the advice said regular intake of chocolate by children would be
the best medicine for their heart health.

Mr Opirah was
interacting with patients at the Children’s ward of the Cape Coast Teaching
Hospital (CCTH) after the GTA donated some chocolates as part of activities to
mark this year’s World Chocolate and Valentine’s Day.

This year’s
Chocolate Day celebration was on the theme “My Chocolate Experience – My
Holistic Well-being”.

The gesture,
according to Mr Opirah, was a way of expressing love to the children who
through no fault of theirs found themselves at the hospital, to make them have
a feel of the celebration.

He said Research
indicates that chocolate contains high level of antioxidants, and could also
lower cholesterol levels, while helping to prevent memory decline.

He was of the strong
conviction that distributing some chocolates and cocoa products to the
in-patients would enhance their recovery at the hospital.

“We are excited to
see the joyful expressions on the faces of the children after receiving the
chocolate, and this shows how chocolate can have a positive impact on the lives
of people”, he said.

Mr Opirah
consequently called for intensified public education on the health benefits of
chocolate to help increase local consumption of the product. 

Mrs Sophia Blankson,
Director of Nursing Services at the CCTH on behalf of the hospital lauded the
initiative by the GTA and said the practice must be sustained.

“We are very happy
that you have come share chocolates with us on this day of love. This is the
first time we are seeing something like this. Chocolate indeed must be used as
a means of reaching out to loved ones”, she said.

The Chocolate Day
was initiated some fourteen years ago to deliberately coincide with the
Valentine’ Day to promote the consumption of Ghana’s chocolate brand
domestically and internationally.