Severe floods kill 21 around Indonesia’s capital on New Year’s Day


Jakarta – Severe floods that hit the Indonesian capital and neighbouring areas on New Year’s Day have killed at least 21 people, the country’s Social Affairs Ministry said on Thursday. 

Waters began inundating parts of Jakarta and its satellite cities on Wednesday after 18 hours of heavy rain, submerging homes and washing away vehicles.  

Television footage showed residents sitting on the rooftops of their homes while waiting for rescuers. 

Most of the 21 deaths recorded occurred in the neighbouring town of Bogor, the Social Affairs Ministry said in a statement.  

National Disaster Management Agency spokesman Agus Wibowo earlier said at least 16 people had died, some by electrocution. 

Authorities said rainfall that started on New Year’s Eve in Bogor was the worst in decades, causing rivers to burst and sending floodwaters to the capital. 


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