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GFA Vice President: Mark Addo beats Randy Abbey and Tony Aubynn


Mr. Mark Addo

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By Emmanuel Asante Attakora, GNA     

Accra, Nov. 05, GNA – Mr. Mark Addo,
Director for Division two side Nzema Kotoko has won the Vice President position
of the Ghana Football Association (GFA) after beating off competition from Mr
Randy Abbey and Dr. Tony Aubynn in Accra.

With six votes from the eleven executive
committee members of the GFA, Mr Addo would assist President Kurt Okraku to
steer the affairs of the GFA for the next four years.

Mr. Addo, who joined the new Executive
Committee on the ticket of division one clubs is touted as the man with the
right skills and knowledge to help redeem the image of the dented GFA, as the
new FA executives embark on an image redemption exercise.

As a one-time Vice President at the
Endeavour Mining Corporation, a mid-tier West Africa focus gold mining entity,
where he was responsible for Business Sustainability that included management
of HSE, Business Development, Corporate Affairs, and Government Relations, his
contacts and knowledge in the business world would be needed to bring to bear
the needed direction to draw corporate sponsorship for football in Ghana.

Mr. Addo is also the Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) of West Blue Consulting, following the acquisition by Customs World, a
subsidiary of Ports Customs and Free Zones Corporation (PCFC) Dubai.


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