No porn for you? Fine, no coffee for us! Adult website bans Starbucks

All very civilised but there are some who are upset about the decision and, no, they’re not free-speech advocacy groups or anti-censorship campaigners. Adult website YouPorn is frothing mad about Starbucks’ decision and has responded with an ingeniously pointless move.

According to Forbes, YouPorn reacted swiftly to Starbucks’ decision by sending an email to its employees saying: “In light of the news that Starbucks has blocked customers from searching and viewing adult content within their establishments, Starbucks products will officially be banned from the YouPorn offices, effective January 1 2019.”

How this punishment of its staff (or welcome relief, depending on your opinion of Starbucks’ coffee) is supposed to be an effective counterattack is unclear.

YouPorn employees are waiting to see whether McDonald’s and Subway food will also be banned from their offices but, in the meantime, you can be sure Starbucks couldn’t give a toss.

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