Paedophile dance teacher gets life in jail

2012-10-31 22:18

Johannesburg – A Khayelitsha paedophile was given three life sentences on Wednesday for raping seven girls, the SABC reported.

Lawrence Gagu’s name would now be recorded in the National Register of Sex Offenders.

The 44-year-old dance teacher was found guilty earlier this month on seven counts of rape, sexual grooming, and three counts of exposing young girls to pornography

The crimes took place between 2009 and 2010 when some of his victims were only 7-years-old.

The court heard how he instructed the girls to remain behind after the lessons before raping them.

Judge Nonkosi Saba said Gagu had abused the trust of the girls, some of whom were orphans.

“[Given] the lack of remorse on his part as well as other factors, it is my view that he is a danger to society and there is an urgent need for him to be removed from society for a long time,” Saba was quoted as saying.


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Paedophile dance teacher gets life in jail