Pink Pays $10,000 for Marilyn Monroe Painting

Pink Pays $10,000 for Marilyn Monroe Painting | Pink

Pink and her Marilyn Monroe painting

Cris Blyth/GoodMakers Films

It may have taken Pink as long to write the check as it took Erik Wahl to create the painting.

Nevertheless, the pop star, 32, snapped up Wahl’s image of Marilyn Monroe – which he painted in just three minutes – for a cool $10,000 on Saturday night.

The occasion was a graffiti art performance and auction for charity in Brentwood, Calif., where Wahl whipped up the pristine portrait of the screen siren in front of guests – including Pink and her husband Carey Hart.

The painting was immediately put up for auction, with Pink offering the winning bid. The money goes to benefit Linda’s Voice, a nonprofit that Pink supports and which raises awareness for ending domestic abuse globally.
Tim Nudd

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Pink Pays $10,000 for Marilyn Monroe Painting