C/R Convention People’s Party Steering Committee Members Resign En-Bloc

Members of the Central Regional Steering Committee of the Convention People’s Party (CPP) on Saturday resigned en- bloc in support of Dr Paa Kwesi Nduom who had earlier resigned from the CPP to form a new political party.

The members who announced their resignation in a statement signed by all the 12 members of the committee at the end of a delegates’ conference in Cape Coast said they were forced to take the action following the recent development in the party including the break in faith of the executives and other leaders with the rank and file.

The statement said Ms Samia Nkrumah , National Chairman of the CPP had failed to take control of the party’s activities such as coming out with a clear date for presidential candidates to file their nominations and ensuring the unification of the Nkrumaist front, as well as showing gross disrespect to Dr Nduom.

Addressing the members Dr Nduom , said the his new political party when voted into power would fight against poverty, corruption and create jobs for the unemployed. He asked the members to be circumspect during political campaigns and avoid the use of abusive language.

Dr Nduom said even though the task ahead is difficult members should endeavour to fight tooth and nail to win more members for the party.