Andrey Arshavin suffering from cameo role at Arsenal – Russia coach Dick Advocaat

Tweet By PETER DURU MAKURDI-Tor Tiv Alfred Torkula has warned politicians in Benue State to stop making inciting statements that could set the indigenes against one another. Torkula gave the warning when the leadership of the Community of Tiv Students, CTS, visited his palace in Gboko

By Edward Tibbles

8 Jun 2011 10:44:00

EPL: Andrei Arshavin, Arsenal (Getty Images)

EPL: Andrei Arshavin, Arsenal (Getty Images)

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Dick Advocaat has criticised Arsene Wenger for not giving Andrey Arshavin a regular starting place at Arsenal.

Advocaat, who has worked with the midfielder at Zenit St Petersberg, as well as Russia’s national side, believes the 30-year-old is not being utilised fully at the Emirates.

“One of his problems is that he plays 20 minutes per game. Arsenal head coach Arsene Wenger uses him as a player who can be fielded in the second half and who can refresh the game,” Advocaat told Sport-Express.

“Andrey is showing willingness to give the team the best of what he has. I worked with him for over two years at Zenit and I know who he is. A brilliant player of a single episode.

But Advocaat concedes Arsenal require a player who has more of an influence during matches and feels the Russian’s game is not based on work rate.

“At Arsenal it is not enough to be a player of an episode. Expecting from him a ninety-minute running means not knowing and not understanding Arshavin,” he said.

Advocaat hinted Arshavin would be capable of leading his country but is adamant any decision would not be based on reputation.

“To be honest, this team lacks leaders. But if you ask abroad, whom of the Russian football players they know, you’ll find out that everyone knows the name of only one player Arshavin,” he said.

“We have no ‘special relationships’, none of that. Please, do not think that Arshavin is fielded just because he is Arshavin.”

When asked if Arshavin’s age would be a factor in his decision, Advocaat replied: “No. But I want to emphasize one thing. I respect him as a player and a person, but If we find anyone better than Arshavin to replace him, this anybody will play instead of him. 

See the article here:
Andrey Arshavin suffering from cameo role at Arsenal – Russia coach Dick Advocaat