GAME – 96.9%; FONKAR – 3.1% A Pyrrhic Victory?


    “Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention for an important announcement. There is a new brand of beer in Ghana called FONKAR BEER. The alcohol content or volume of alcohol is 3.1%. It is produced by GAME in 96.9ml bottles. It is being marketed in a bar near you. The Double Double promo is on and running. Hurry please, rush please, and please grab a bottle of the all new FONKAR BEER. Gulp a bottle of refreshing FONKAR BEER and cheek your boldness level. Your life will never be the same again. Place your orders while stocks last and experience the Double Double smoothness,” Anon.

    The NDC congress which elected President John Fiifi Atta Mills as the NDC flagbearer for the forthcoming 2012 national presidential elections is now history. The interest, the excitement, the anxiety, the trepidation, the foreboding combined with the various prophesies and predictions of doom which took place, all in an atmosphere of internecine gymnastics of insults and accusations which preceded the congress, made even the greatest unbelievers scuttle for some prayer grounds to say a little prayer for the wellbeing of this country.

    The Sunyani Coronation Park, the venue of the congress, was predicted to become the waterloo of participants where heads and limbs would be hacked off, eyes plucked out of their sockets and teeth forcefully removed from their gums in a Rambo style atmosphere.

    The impending scene of the congress atmosphere was so weird, frightening and grotesque that residents cautioned their kids to remain indoors during the period of the congress.  What was projected was a typical ancient Roman gladiator type battle ground where the gladiators fought to death. This time round, it was going to be the spectators who stood the danger of fighting to death.  What else could one expect when a family congress to elect a flagbearer, an event which had been held many times before, attracted 1,500 state sponsored security personnel and additional 1,800 NDC action troopers supplied by the party to intimidate one of the contestants but ostensibly to provide security.

    The usual propaganda was that the 1,500 uniformed and plain-clothed security men and women were needed to protect President Mills, a propaganda which failed to wash. How many security personnel were called to duty when the President of the most powerful country in the world, the USA, President Obama visited war-torn country like Afghanistan?  President Mills may be under siege politically, but nobody would want his blood to be on his or her hands, not even a diehard FONKAR member. God being so good, the NDC, a party with its genesis in the slaughter of innocent souls shedding of blood and whose constitution was signed with blood, came out of their congress without broken limbs and skulls as had been expected.

    Statistics are like a woman in bikini. A bikini displays a lot of interesting things about a woman’s body. However, the most interesting things about a woman’s body are often hidden by a bikini. GAME, as predicted by them, won the contest hands down, beating FONKAR to pulp. It is strange the corner man of FONKAR did not throw in the towel but allowed the referee to count to ten. There were many observers outside GAME and FONKAR who foresaw that GAME would win. What they could not predict was whether it would be by knockout, unanimous, majority or split-point decision. As the time for the congress drew near, the body language of even FONKAR indicated that they sensed defeat. The massive financial resources of GAME, all possibly stolen from state coffers, the unbridled intimidation of FONKAR members, the stick and carrot tactics adopted by GAME over the voters, all worked to perfection in favour of GAME.

    The bottom line was that, it was not a fair competition. Everything points to the fact that the GAME victory was a pyrrhic one. The challenge offered by Mrs. Nana Konadu Agyemang-Rawlings to President Mils divided the NDC party irreconcilably into two factions; at least that was the appearance before and immediately after the congress. Forget about the damage control the GAME people tried to work out after the congress in an attempt to woo the FONKAR people back into their fold. It is only boxers who hug themselves after a brutal fight and it is so because it is part of the tradition of the game. The GAME people lived in a delusion, believing that the FONKAR people do not have long memory and will forget easily all the insults and shabby treatment meted out to them. The level and quantum of unprintable materials each faction threw at each other could only have come from two estranged couples willing to do maximum damage to each other.

    President John Fiifi Atta Mills has won the NDC flagbearership race. The GAME people can raise their champagne glasses in victory in public but behind the curtains far away from the market places, they must be gnashing their teeth because the nature and the manner of their victory raise many questions which do not sit well with our democracy. Long ago, I predicted that the country was like the Titanic on her maiden voyage. Never in the history of this country since the days of President Nkrumah and the PNDC/NDC I, has incumbency been so abused to win a pyrrhic victory with a wooden medal on offer.

    If the NDC, under President Mills’s administration, can commandeer state resources and use all sorts of political  subterfuge ranging from intimidation, bribery, political patronage, threats, state security, unlicensed armed robbers patrolling as party action troopers (as recalled and retold by the FONKAR people) and worst still proclaim President Mills a born again Christian whose peace loving nature, honesty, spirit of forgiveness all  surpass the head of the Christian community, then God have mercy on our souls and the wellbeing of the nation as we approach the national presidential election.

    Yesterday, we were told seventeen thieves went out to elect their chief thief.  Today, we are witnessing the fact that the head of a colony of greedy bastards, enemies, traitors, mediocrity, Team B players, standard seven pupils (as recalled and retold by the FONKAR people) is prostrating in front of the Lord among the clergy proclaiming: “Oh Lord do you not remember me. I promised to turn the whole country into one synagogue where politics of insults and flood of vituperation will disappear, where each will be his brother’s and sister’s keeper and where corruption and indiscipline will be made an unprofitable venture”. Tomorrow, the Good Lord is likely to reply: “Get thee behind me you devil. Who created the environment and presided over the colony of greedy bastards, enemies, traitors, mediocrity, Team B players, standard seven pupils (as recalled and retold by the FONKAR people) AND who used state resources to gain political advantage and stole from state coffers? How can the devil drive out the devil”?

    When that comes to past, the people who led Jerry John Rawlings on a path of destruction, because of stomach politics and joined the bandwagon of John Fiifi Atta Mills when he was on the presidential throne, because of stomach politics, will also desert the ship of John Fiifi Atta Mills while at the same time shouting: “Halleluiah, Glory be to the Most High, God is Lord, the Lord is Good, Praise be to the King of Kings, yesterday, a Monarch He,  today subject of the flees”. These are the cries of gaping sycophants. The people who hailed Jerry John Rawlings not long ago and who are now shouting “Crucify Him” at him will do the same thing to John Fiifi Atta Mills at the appropriate time. John Fiifi Atta Mills will then feel the loneliness of the long distance runner, as Jerry John Rawlings is feeling now. The poetic justice would have gone round. At that time, a new person will be on the presidential throne at The Castle, Isha Allah. After all, the good book has said; “A fool has said in his heart there is no God”. President Mills must rethink his position now before it is too late.

    By Kwame Gyasi