I’m A Chain Smoker – Kwesi Pratt Admits


    Kwesi Pratt Jnr

    MANAGING EDITOR of the Insight Newspaper and self-styled social commentator, Kwesi Pratt, has admitted that smoking has been an albatross around his neck; a social menace he has made countless efforts to quit to no avail.

    Mr. Pratt, who dropped the bombshell on Ekuoba Gyasi’s Morning Show on Hot Fm yesterday, disclosed that he has been battling with smoking which has been part of his life for many years now.

    Vociferous Kwasi Pratt, who has been described as an unofficial propagandist of the Mills-Mahama administration, said he became a habitual smoker at his tender age and has since been struggling to quit.

    According to him, he had tried on several occasions to stop his smoking habit, but rather found himself smoking more and more.

    The self-confession of the man, who claims to be a member of the Convention Peoples’ Party (CPP), came as a shock to the host of the programme and the listening public since he was not pushed to the wall to warrant the confession.

    Mr. Pratt was sharing his thoughts on an order to arrest homosexuals in the country.

    The Western Regional Minister, Paul Evans Aidoo supposedly issued an order for the immediate arrest of all homosexuals in his region.

    The minister is said to have allegedly tasked the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) and all security agencies to smoke out persons suspected to be engaging in same sex.

    However Kwesi Pratt says the order is highly irrelevant and lambasted the minister for having come out with such an idea.

    From Fred Tettey Alarti-Amoako, Sunyani

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