Irate GIA Passengers Give Government One Week Ultimatum


    Government has up to one week to refund monies to irate passengers of the defunct Ghana International Airlines who are still holding on to their tickets.

    About 800 passengers who were stranded following the collapse of the airline say officials have been silent on their plight since the airline folded.

    Yesterday, Deputy Transport Minister Dzifa Ativor told Joy News, government is raising funds for the purpose and appealed to the passengers to exercise restraint.

    She explained some of the monies collected by the GIA cannot be accounted for, adding, monies that have to be invested into the development of water and electricity infrastructure are now been diverted to pay the GIA debts.

    She appealed for more time as government works tirelessly to raise the needed funds. But the passengers say they are intent on demonstrating on the streets of London if government does not pay their monies within a week. One of the passengers said her family is owed $5,000 which must be refunded.

    “We need our money…because we have not robbed anybody for anybody to rob us,” she lamented. “For me I am just waiting for a week. I can’t wait more than one week,” another said adding he will organize a massive demonstration against the officials of the GIA to have their monies refunded.