Court Adjourns FA Case Against Economic & Organised Crime Office


    A Human Rights Court in Accra on Tuesday adjourned to February 25, the case in which the Ghana Football Association (GFA) has filed a writ against the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) for the invasion of their premises on Tuesday, December 8, last year.
    The GFA had filed a motion for the enforcement of its fundamental human rights noting the EOCO exceeded the terms of the court on how and the manner it invaded its offices.
    It described the action of EOCO as illegal and breach of its fundamental human rights. However, EOCO has filed an affidavit in opposition.
    When the case was brought before the court presided over by Mr Justice U.P. Dery, the GFA mentioned that it had not been served with the EOCO’s affidavit in opposition to enable them to respond. The court, therefore, ordered that the GFA should be served with EOCO’s affidavit in opposition and adjourned the matter to February 25.
    EOCO on Tuesday, December 8, last year, raided offices of the GFA and took away computers and documents as it investigates breaches of the laws of Ghana on tax, fraud and others.“All the other institutions supplied the requested documents but the GFA failed to comply, until 14 October, 2010 when the office received a letter from the GFA stating that they have received the letter,” EOCO said in a statement.
    The EOCO, upon procuring a court order and a search warrant with the support of officers of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service, raided the GFA, identified and seized documents and computer equipment in which the Office said had cause to believe vital information relating to ongoing investigations could be found.