Black Stars Technical Team Upbeat of Working With New Coach


    Members of the Black Stars technical team have expressed excitement at the appointment of their new head Goran Stevanovic.
    The ex Partizan Belgrade coach’s appointment takes effect from February 1 and his colleagues on the bench present at his unveiling ceremony were already impressed with his delivery.
    “I have been impressed with the way he comported himself in answering the questions,” goalkeepers trainer Eddie Ansah told
    “He is a young coach, very young and I believe he is very energetic and he is a very professional man so i believe he is coming to do a very good job for this nation, Ghana.”
    On his expectations, the former Black Stars goalkeeper himself, says the experience of working with expatriate coaches in the past would be an added advantage in helping the new man integrate into the new set up.
    “We have had the experience of working with about five expatriate coaches before he came in so he is the sixth I’m going to work under. All the support be it prayers or physical given to the past coaches would also be given to the new man.
    “He’s going to be our boss, we’ll listen to him but where we have to disagree to agree we will disagree to agree for to the betterment of the team,” he added.