Man remanded in prison custody for murder


    The Breman Asikuma district magistrate’s court has remanded in prison custody a 31-year-old farmer, Kofi Acquam, for the murder of one Kwadwo Nkrumah at Agona Odoben in November last year.
    His plea was not taken and will re-appear before the court on January 19, 2011.
    Prosecution Police Chief Inspect Gershon Awuyeh told the court presided over by Mr Kwesi Boakye Enimel that on November 25, 2010 the deceased who was believed to be drunk, went to the accused to demand some money he claimed he had given to accused before he went to drink.
    The prosecution said a misunderstanding arose between the two men, which resulted in a fight during which Nkrumah sustained an injury on the upper lip and started bleeding.
    He said the deceased was rushed to the Odoben Health Center where he was treated and discharged, adding that four days later Nkrumah was found dead in his room at about 8.00 a.m.
    Chief Inspect Awuyeh said the matter was reported to the police and Acquam was arrested.