AMA To Prosecute Homes & Offices Without Toilets


    Accra Mayor Dr. Alfred Vanderpuije has given property owners up to September 2011, to provide public places of convenience in their houses and offices or face the wrath of the Assembly.
    This is part of measures outlined by the Accra Metropolitan Assembly in support of President Mills’ call for action in 2011.
    According to Dr. Vanderpuije, the AMA will go all out to publicize the policy and ensure it materializes.
    Every office and every private home in Accra must provide toilet facilities. We have given everybody up to September. And so starting in January 2011, we are going to go to every house and serve them notices to let them know that we are serious. So by September we will make sure that every home and office has toilet” he said.
    The Accra Mayor also hinted that AMA in collaboration with some donor agencies will be putting up more schools in the capital to boost access to education.
    “In 2011, we will have more schools in Accra. USAID is going to give us about two point three million dollars that will build about seven schools. We have GetFund money to build about two of them and we are still working with other investors and other entities to make sure that we can build some of them. Our commitment is to put our children in modern classrooms,” he said.