Rachel Uchitel — Happy 3 Year Anniversary After Tiger Woods Scandal

Rachel Uchitel
Happy 3 Year Anniversary


3 years ago she was mistress #1 in Tiger Woods scandal … which exploded the day after Thanksgiving when an angry Elin clubbed Tiger’s SUV, causing it to slam into a tree.

Fast forward to Turkey Night 2012  — Rachel Uchitel, the once wild nightclub manager, is now fully-domesticated just having spent her first Thanksgiving with husband Matt Hahn — a Penn State football star and now San Francisco finance guy — and 6-month-old daughter Wyatt Lilly.

It’s unclear how Tiger and ex-wife Elin spent their Thanksgiving, but we’re guessing it wasn’t together.

By the way – No tigers were harmed in the making of these photos.


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Rachel Uchitel — Happy 3 Year Anniversary After Tiger Woods Scandal