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Monday, June 3, 2024

Tweeps Warnings on Human Trafficking At New’s Cafe Woodmead

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Human trafficking is a worldwide issue that seem to not have a solution. People have been going missing and tweeps have been sharing their stories about a popular place in woodmead called New’s Cafe, warning others to be careful as many women have been disappearing there.

@FundiswaNyokana wrote, “What in God’s name is going on at News Café in Woodmead? 😳 So, Friday night (29th) was my birthday, so my friends and I decide to go spend the night there. Cool, it’s my first time there and I’m keen. Prior to this my mom tells my friend & I should be careful etc.”

“My mother has a gift, so I knew to be even more careful. Anyhoo. I’m having a good time, we’re sitting outside and I look behind me & I see a woman dancing happily inside, haibo 30minutes later, this woman is knocked out!

No man, I see bouncers carrying her out and what’s odd is my friends & I seem so concerned but everyone else is cool. This woman can barely walk, they take her into some Mercedes. So my friends & I are thinking okay maybe that’s her friend but we still deeply worried.

We shocked at how that happened so swiftly but we thinking naively that, ugh bouncers wouldn’t let this happen, also it is plain sight so no ways this is human trafficking. Anyway, we continue drinking, HAIBO nangu omunye usisi, giligidi phansi. 😐

Now this one is so worse, there’s commotion, some lady is trying to intervene. My male friends try find out what’s going on. These same bouncers are dragging her to the same fucking Merc. Are these women friends?? We so confused. I peep into the back seat, I see the previous girl.

Now I’m like no ways, my friends are trying to interrogate. Take pictures of the number plate. There’s a bit of commotion and a blue BMW pulls up. They take girl 1 out the Merc into the beemer, girl 2 into the Merc and sped off. Guys this is happening so fast, we were so confused.

We felt so guilty, maybe we could’ve done more but also you’re a bit drunk yourself & dazzed out. Tonight I read about how women go missing from this Club, what is going on? Why is this happening in plain sight? Look, please don’t ever go there. God I hope they’re okay.”

It seems as if this has been going on for a long time as many others shared their stories.

@LarnaMs wrote,” There has been so many stories about Newcafe Woodmead where even the waiters and waitresses are involved. That place seems like a hot spot for human trafficking. I wish it would close down. Stopped going there few years back.”

@Precious_Mixx wrote, “That place is very dangerous they sometimes offer ladies free cocktails pretending as if they are just trying them out next thing they are drunk af and bouncers just take them to cars everything happens in plain sight you would never think there’s something shady happening”

@tillytiny10 wrote, “I hate newscafe in woodmead rmb once went there the way ladies were drunk in less than 5mins it was so confusing what was inside the alcohol and when they knock out the bouncers take them out yazi”

A young man has also went missing after he was seen at New’s Cafe in Woodmead.

@Diskor_T wrote, “At Newscafe they sell drugs in plain sight. You can even put drugs on your alcohol tab and pay using your credit card.”

Our Thought: Be careful when going out be vigilant and always check ur drink that it has not been spiked. Human trafficking is on the rise.

(Source: https://twitter.com/FundiswaNyokana/status/1521197679648333828?t=HUIw1w6eOaTFm-GVnNvvyg&s=19)

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