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Sunday, February 9, 2025

Cantona James and Simone Neethling surprise Mzansi with their engagement news

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2025 is shaping up to be the year of love and fresh starts, and who better to lead the way than “Spinners” actor Cantona James and his “Arendsvlei” actress fiancée, Simone Neethling.

The two are officially off the market!

It turns out the lovebirds got engaged about a month ago and kept it on the down-low. Of course, James had to let the world in on his joy.

He took to Instagram, sharing a heartfelt post that read: “A whole month of being engaged to my dream girl! Baby, you’re my sun and moon, and everything in between. Thank you for making me eternally happy💛 @simone_neethling.”

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A post shared by Cantona James (@thee_cantonajames)

He posted romantic pictures of the engagement – sunset vibes on the beach. This man knows how to set the mood and sweep a girl off her feet!

Though the couple hasn’t revealed exactly how long they’ve been dating, it’s clear their connection is the real deal.

Neethling couldn’t hide her excitement either, sharing her own Insta post: “Maaan wat de hel maaann??? Everyone stfu bc huh, I get to marry the beautifulest human ever?? Pinch me. CanSim 5ever baybay 🥹.”

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A post shared by Simone Neethling (@simone_neethling)

If the comments are anything to go by, it looks like these two are in it for the long haul.

Both actors are no strangers to the spotlight. James, known for his captivating performance in “Spinners”, also made his mark in “The Queen”, where his acting skills impressed fans across the country.

Neethling, celebrated for her role in “Arendsvlei”, has also starred in “Binnelanders” and “Roer Jou Voete”, showcasing her versatility as an actress.

Meanwhile, industry friends were thrilled about the announcement and congratulated the couple.

South African actress and motivational speaker Kim Cloete wrote: “Aah my hart bars met blydsap vir julle!” Translated: “Ah, my heart bursts with joy for you both!”

Actor and theatre practitioner, Eldon van der Merwe wrote: “Een moerse smile van my kant af“. Translated: “One massive smile from my side!”

“Skemergrond” actress Talia Davis added: “Congratulations!”

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