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Monday, June 17, 2024

Why musicians are most likely to be denied visas at embassies – Event promoter [Video]

Event promoter and CEO of Inside LLC, Nana Boateng Gyimah, has disclosed why some top musicians get bounced by embassies when its factual they are travelling for shows.

According to him, most musicians do not pay mind to the part of their contracts that pushes them to hype shows they are billed for.

He explained that, the counsellors at the embassies also visit social media pages of these musicians, hence it is very necessary for the musicians to promote the shows they are billed for to get visas easily.

Mr Gyimah also noted that some of the team members of some musicians haven’t upgraded themselves to even understand some of the contracts being handed to them.

Nana B. Gyimah is the Chief Executive Officer at Inside, LLC.

Inside, LLC is a full-service business management and consulting company based in the United States with offices in Ghana and London.

The company’s mission is to bridge the gap between Africa and the United States in all things related to economic development, lifestyle and entertainment.

Events hosted by Inside, LLC include, Ghana to the World, Afrobeats to the World, and Day in the Sun, among others.



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