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Monday, June 17, 2024

Splatoon 3 trailer may have revealed release date –

the trailer of Splatoon 3, shown in Wednesday’s Nintendo Direct, may have revealed the game’s release date in a mysterious way. Reddit users discovered that the video contains a small QR Code that, when scanned, gives an alleged release date.

Nintendo did not provide a release date for Splatoon 3; however, fans of the franchise were in an uproar on social media with the hidden QR Code. Try to see the code in the trailer below, in the upper left corner of the screen, starting at 0:55.


Couldn’t find it? Here’s a screenshot, with the icon highlighted:

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THE Kenyannews failed to scan the QR Code displayed in the Nintendo Direct trailer. Even putting the video in the highest resolution (1080p), the code remains in low resolution; not even after editing the photo the camera can recognize it.

A user named DONGXIPUNATA posted a video improving the quality and clarity of the QR Code. After editing the image’s sharpness, brightness and contrast, he scans the code and finds a specific date: August 18, 2022. Watch:

Yes, the code shown in DONGXIPUNATA’s video can be scanned, which displays the date August 18, 2022. However, as pointed out by other Reddit users, chances are the video is fake: compare the QR Codes in the image below and notice how they are different. On the left is the one from DONGXIPUNATA’s video; on the right is the one from the official Nintendo video.

Also note that after DONGXIPUNATA zooms in on the image, the QR Code looks much sharper than the other information on the screen. We also edited the image’s sharpness, brightness and contrast, and even then we didn’t get the same code and couldn’t scan it.

In any case, we can only wait for more official information from Nintendo. Officially, Splatoon 3 is slated to come to Switch sometime in 2022.

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