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Who maintains the Bitcoin network? |

You already know that governments and central banks control fiat money. But Bitcoin is decentralized, meaning no central authority regulates or controls it. However, the Bitcoin network requires some entities to function the way Satoshi Nakamoto intended. So, who maintains the Bitcoin network?

Decentralisation Is the Answer
Bitcoin decentralization means everybody and nobody manages its network at the same time. Decentralization means the control of this virtual currency doesn’t lie with a single government or organization. Instead, several smaller nodes control and maintain this digital currency. Perhaps, this explains why so many people want to purchase and sell this digital currency on crypto exchanges like bitcoin-loophole.live. Almost everybody wants to have a share of this digital currency.

Essentially, the Bitcoin network delegates its control to thousands of nodes in different geographical locations. Nodes are people that opt to run Bitcoin software on computers. Ideally, the Bitcoin network doesn’t have a single authority deciding what happens. Instead, every node calls the shots. And because nobody owns the Bitcoin technology, no mastermind can maintain or control this cryptocurrency alone.

Nobody Can Maintain Bitcoin Alone
Based on the decentralization concept, the Bitcoin network depends on every participant’s consensus. The Bitcoin game’s rules give every participant in the network to mine and use this virtual currency. While Satoshi Nakamoto introduced this virtual currency, his identity, which remains pseudonymous, is not essential to its failure or success. That’s because Nakamoto couldn’t probably control the future development of this virtual currency.

Currently, Andresen maintains the Bitcoin software as an open-source project. However, this is not the software that everybody on the Bitcoin network uses. Some people have created independent Bitcoin implementations. What’s more, people can modify the official Bitcoin software to suit their needs.

The Bitcoin Foundation employed Andresen. This non-profit organization promotes Bitcoin while representing the Bitcoin community’s views. Nevertheless, this organization doesn’t have formal authority or control over the Bitcoin network.

Bitcoin’s Governance
Bitcoin users control this cryptocurrency. Essentially, Bitcoin allows anybody in the network to improve or develop its software. What’s more, anybody can select the software version to run on their computer. However, making the Bitcoin network usable requires users to run the compatible software versions.

Essentially, strengthening the Bitcoin network requires every participant to adhere to similar rules. And that’s how the Bitcoin network reaches a consensus. The majority vote governs Bitcoin. Thus, the majority vote controls this virtual currency.

All Bitcoin network nodes are equal. Therefore, what the majority decides is what happens. And any node opposing the change can join the other systems. That’s why many Bitcoin forks exist. The winning network is the strongest. For this reason, miners, developers, and miners get the incentive to protect and respect the mutual agreement. Keeping the Bitcoin network secure, healthy, and active is in the best interest of every participant.

Influencing the Bitcoin Network
Perhaps, you want to know more about controlling or influencing the Bitcoin network. It’s easy to argue that developers decide how to improve and develop the system. Some say that miners select the software version to run. However, the majority decide on Bitcoin’s future. That’s because no participants or nodes have preferential or special treatment.

Final Thoughts
Bitcoin’s underpinning technology maintains its network. That’s because this technology creates a decentralized system with publicly available transaction data. Many experts around the world have tout Bitcoin as a revolutionary, decentralized technology. And decentralization means nobody can maintain or control this virtual currency alone. Instead, the nodes or participants decide on what happens to Bitcoin. The Bitcoin network has different node types, and each plays a different role in keeping the blockchain network functioning correctly. Thus, no single person or entity controls or maintains the Bitcoin network, even Satoshi Nakamoto, who introduced this virtual currency.

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