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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

What is good for loosening the baby’s intestines –

The frequency that the baby poops varies according to its age and changes in feeding, constipation is common, especially between the first and second month and after the child starts eating solid foods.

To prevent and combat constipation in the baby, it is important to breastfeed the baby in the first months, in addition to giving foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, according to the pediatrician’s guidance, which help to improve bowel function and hydrate the stool, facilitating its elimination.

What to do

To combat constipation in the baby, it is important that the baby is given healthy foods that encourage bowel movement, and plenty of water. Thus, to loosen the baby’s intestines, it is important to:

1. Give food with a laxative effect

After 6 months, the pediatrician may recommend the consumption of foods that have a laxative effect, helping to improve bowel function and encourage evacuation. Thus, some of the foods that can be indicated are:

  • Fruits: papaya, orange with pomace, black plum, tangerine, peach;
  • Baked leafy vegetables: kale, broccoli, spinach;
  • Vegetables: carrots, sweet potatoes, beets, pumpkin;
  • Whole grains: oats, wheat bran.

It is not recommended to give baby laxatives, mineral oil or laxative teas, such as cascara or genipap tea, unless indicated by the pediatrician, as they can irritate the bowel and lead to gas and abdominal discomfort.

Discover other options for homemade laxatives that may be indicated by the pediatrician.

2. Stimulate water consumption

In addition to feeding, it is essential to give the baby water throughout the day, especially when he starts with solid foods, such as purees and porridge, to soften the stool. It may also be necessary to make the purees, soups and porridges a little more liquid, adding more water so the baby’s stools are more hydrated.

Babies who only feed on breast milk already receive enough water from the mother’s breast, but if the stool remains dry, you should talk to your pediatrician to offer more water between feeds. See when to start watering the baby.

3. Avoid foods that bind the bowel

In addition to offering foods that help loosen the baby’s bowels, it is also important to avoid foods that cause constipation, such as silver bananas, guava, pears, and apples, especially when offered without the skin.

Vegetables such as potatoes, cassava, cassava, pasta, yams or yams should also be avoided in baby soup, as they tend to make the intestines more trapped.

when to go to the doctor

If the baby’s bowels show signs of pain or if the belly feels very hard for more than 2 days in a row, it is important to see your pediatrician. In addition, if blood appears in the stool or if the stool is very dark or almost white, it is also a sign that there may be bleeding in the intestine or liver problems, and it is necessary to see a pediatrician. Find out what are the main causes of changes in baby poop.

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