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Tuesday, April 16, 2024


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In “Hustle”, the new film created by Adam Sandler, I was impressed with this dialogue, because it gives a possible explanation to all those situations in which talented people are not really able to get the satisfactions they deserve.

“Have you come this far and after the first bad day do you think you are going to give up everything?” “I suck” Do you love this game? In short, do you love it with all your heart? Because if that’s not the case it’s not worth that much.

We are not going to open a door that will slam right in our face. I, for one, love this game, and live for this game!! There are a thousand other guys waiting in the wings who are obsessed with this game. Obsession beats talent, she will always beat it!!

You also have all the talent in the world, but do you also have an obsession? Is it the only thing you think about? Listen to me, out there it’s you against yourself. When you enter that court, you have to think (I am the best player in here).

Even if you have LeBron as an opponent. I ask you again, do you love this game? “Yes “I have in front of me a new born kitten purring. “I didn’t hear, do you want to join the NBA?? “YES!!” “Well let’s get on with it then.

Never give up clear!” In fact, in an increasingly competitive world devoted to excellence, talent no longer seems enough to make a breakthrough. To get high, in life as in sport, you have to be “obsessed” with what you believe in.

Half measures often run the risk of confining talent to mediocrity. Obsession, on the other hand, helps to overcome difficulties, exercise one’s abilities until exhaustion, resist when everyone gives up, and travel that last centimetre that separates victory from defeat at the cost of one’s life as the splendid Al Pacino said in Any Given Sunday, the legendary sports movie.

That’s how Conor McGregor says he conquered the UFC. McGregor said in a short documentary, “This is an obsession. Talent does not exist; we are all equals as human beings. You could be anyone if you put in the time…

I am not talented; I am obsessed.” Obsession may seem like a sinister thing in Hollywood movies, but it’s entrepreneurial fuel when it’s directed toward the right things. Those who obsess over their businesses are likely to stick with their ventures well beyond the time the non-obsessed have given up.

Obsession harnesses your focus and energy.
Successful people have this feeling on a daily basis. When they want something, they devote their entire focus and energy to making it a reality. Until they achieve their goal, they’re not focused on anything else.

Obsession gives you courage.

Something interesting happens when you’re obsessed: You ditch the cowardly lion act and become courageous. When you’re obsessed, you have the courage to get started. You have the courage to pick yourself up after falling down, and you have the guts to stare fear directly in its face.


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